
Diamond Dogs

the diamond dogs

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     With an incomparable music career spanning over 5 decades, David Bowie was without question one of the greatest musicians in the history of rock and roll. As Boston's only authentic tribute to his music, The Diamond Dogs faithfully recreate his music for you. You will be amazed at the vocal ability of Michael Richard and swear that you are listening to Bowie himself.

     Guitaristes, Chaz and Rick, the dynamic duo of six strings, and Lori Phillips pounds the keyboards, keeping the unique tonal structure of The Diamond Dogs group on target. James Mobius lays down the solid Bass grooves required to keep the Bands drive thumping all night long, and Joe Whalen on drums and electronic percussion keeps the Band steady and flowing, that helps the group achieve the next level of dynamic ability. Marty Phillips sometimes joins us and tears up the sax and helps put this tribute on a level that Bowie himself would've been proud of.

     The Diamond Dogs are not just a band, but a well thought-out replica of a live David Bowie show, applying great effort as to how it should be performed and paid homage to. This is a show that is not to be missed as it brings to the stage over 40 years of hit after hit music that you will love to dance and cheer to. A must see show for Bowie fans of all ages.


     Vocals / Guitars: Michael Richard

     Keyboards and backing vocals: Lori "Lulu" Phillips

     Guitar and backing vocals: Chaz "Mack-daddy" Mackin

     Guitar and backing vocals: "6-string" Rick

     Bass guitar: James Mobius

     Drums / Percusion / Special Effects: Wailin' Joe Whalen

     occasional guest Saxophone and flute: Marty Phillips

     And sometimes other surprise guest musicians!

For booking information please contact: E-mail

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