We recommend visiting the following websites for related resources,
just because we really like them.
Music and artwork:
For inquiries, or to be put on our mailing list
for updates and the like, please contact us at:
Celtic knowledge, wares & events:
The Celtic Cultural Heritage Foundation
is a professional organisation dedicated to the study, preservation, recognition, support and transmission of Celtic history, society, language and art, as well as other forms of traditional knowledge and culture.
Our goal is to promote a high level of understanding, conservation and support of authentic Celtic culture, art and traditional knowledge, whose origins may be perceived in the accomplishments and merits of some of the greatest founding civilizations of Europe.
the Celtic Institute of North America The Celtic Institute of North America is a community of scholars dedicated to bringing you the most complete Celtic studies curriculum available on this side of the Atlantic. Whether you are interested in learning a Celtic language, studying ancient Celtic cultures, or exploring the music, folklore, arts, and traditions of Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall, or Brittany, the Celtic Institute has something for you.
All that matters the largest non-residential holistic center in New England. More than 50 weekly yoga classes, an array of workshops, a retail store, and health care services ranging from acupuncture and chiropractic to massage therapy draw some 1000 visitors a week to Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Celtic Paganism This website is mainly for those studying Celtic Paganism at
Harvard, but is open to anyone with an interest in discussing
such things as archeological information obtained from cult sites,
theLebor Gabala, theMabinogi, etc.
BlackSwann Masques absolutely gorgeous hand made masques for ye, lords and ladies, jesters and fae.
the Celt Digital a good source for Celtic
Information on the World Wide Web.
cyberpict.org sustainable eco-friendly folks
Digital medievalist A very cool and insightful site!
E-Cauldron Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism
The Fluid Druid The Fluid Druid's Pagan Place is a Pagan Web
Community dedicated to education,
networking, and other free Pagan Services.
the Harvard Celtic Colloquium The Harvard Celtic Colloquium was established in 1980 by two graduate students in the Harvard University Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures as a forum in which graduate students could share their work and gain experience in professional academia. Since then, it has been organized annually by a team of students in the department, grown in size, and gained an international reputation which annually draws a diverse mix of scholars from around the world to present papers on all facets of Celtic Studies. (more details @ website)
the Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium the annual publication archiving the lectures given at the Colloquium. (Past presenters have included Sharynne NicMhacha)
Kripalu Kripalu Center is an institution where people can come to discover what it means to be fully human and fully alive through a nonsectarian and nondogmatic approach to yoga.
We are dedicated to the honest and unfettered inquiry into, and pursuit of, all philosophies, techniques, and approaches that produce thriving in the individual, the family, the institution, the business, the community, the society, and the planet all at the same time..
Mythic Links aims to bring artists, scholars, historians, philosophers, archaeologists, insights of psychology and other authentic sources to a general audience in an accessible way.
Omega institute Through innovative educational experiences that awaken the best in the human spirit, Omega provides hope and healing for individuals and society.
Marcel Rizzo Director of the Moors music video for the Hunter, also a fine photographer
the Rowe Center Rowe Camp & Conference Center is a spiritual and educational organization offering opportunities for the presentation and exchange of a wide variety of ideas and beliefs consistent with Unitarian Universalist principles and values.
Witchvox.com a wise and witch-friendly website,
neopagan news/networking on the net since 1996
Bats in the belfry Bats in the Belfry is a show featuring music with a dark asthetic including everything from Gregorian chant to the newest Gothic rock, Hosted by Mistress Laura. You can now hear the show online!
/\,,/\ /\../\ ^..^
Mance Percussionist with TrouzBras, Percussion instructor, Mance Grady is one of the earliest bodhran makers in North America whose drums are well known for their trademark superior workmanship and tonality.
Cynthia Von Buhler.com:
the art, performance art and music of an extremely talented fabulous woman.
home of our webhost, an artist/musician, builder of websites and
fixer of things.
the Moors Celtic/medeival trance/rock band.
the Moors CD Buy their CD here.
New! -Visit the Moors' new page on Myspace.com where you can hear some of their music now!
more Moors links use Advanced Google-matic technology for more Moors info.
Sharynne NicMhacha My new page on MySpace.com
Hear audio clips, get up to date concert listings, add me to your friends list!
A renowned Celtic/Breton band who
the Moors' vocalist/woodwind player Sharynne NicMhacha recently performed and recorded with them, (though she is not currently working with them).
Moors' fans MUST check them out. also add them on MySpace here and You-tube, here.
Valhalla Kittens Fun Boston based unrepentant glitter rock.
with the Moors' Scott Dakota at the helm.
Total Life Cleanse More than another diet or fast, a life-changing, program of body detoxification, rejuvenation, and stress
reduction, offered in both a both a 9-week and a 12-day format. TLC integrates the latest breakthroughs in
nutrition, mind-body medicine, and the neuro-sciences with the ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese
medicine and Ayurveda. Personally endorsed by Sharyyne.
L.O.T.P. An interesting and unique new take on Stonhenge...
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-and would like a banner for your links page, feel free to use one of these: