Greetings Humans!
Welcome to Mö
the web home of multi-instrumentalist musician and multi-media artist James Möbius,
and a network of sites he hosts
The links above will take you into the mind of the most modest
genius the universe has ever known, if he says so himself, as well as some of his friend's websites which he administers. For those of you viewing this site on your cell phone, go home and turn on a proper computer! The internet is supposed to be larger than a postcard.
Newest News! (really!)
I now have an online store, where you can get mugs, t-shirts and etc with my art on them: Redbubble
New page of links, my own links to where you can find me online, Instagram, Faceboot, youtube, all the hep webzones, accept no substitutes! Click Here!
You, yes, YOU now have the opportunity to support the arts, specifically, this artist, me, James Mobius, for as little as 3 cents a day or 1 of your Earth "Dollars" a month, less than the price of a cup of covfefe, you can have unlimited access to high resolution scans of over 4,800 (you read that correctly) pieces of art, by me, most of which are available nowhere else, and have been seen previously by only a handful of people, literally. visit my patreon page and have a look. Some posts there are free to view.
Mojoceratops is my world-punk-fusion band, check us out won't you? We offer comprehensive blown-mind insurance* with every purchase, and an extensive list of services to help you recover from having heard our music. You can now buy our live CD on, and on iTunes, click this image for details:
I am finally in the process of updating this website, many pages have been updated with accurate data and new information, imagery, and links, others are still in development.
I'm also now the official understudy bassist for Afterfab a post-break-up Beatles tribute act, they play music released by the 4 members of the Beatles after they stopped working together. (including a couple of Travelling Wilbury's songs)
New project;
older latest updates:
I also have spiffed up my award-winning* links pages checking to make sure they all work, adding some and making banners for all of them, (I'm starting to think the links section is the best part of this site! :p) Lastly
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pläcë! Wäy cööl!
Featured Image; Every now and then I change what pic goes here. I'm pretty happy with this one, my latest canvas, and a future CD cover.
For a long time I resisted having a guestbook because I didn't think people would sign it, finally I got one and got lots of nice comments, (lately, mostly concerning my portraits of Miss Jez), -and a few uninformed ones... recently the provider was bought by a larger company which deleted all of their guestbooks with no warning, thank you very much. oh, or so I thought. wow, now it's back. grr. I got a new one, now I gotta delete that one. :p oy vey. Thank you.
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My current main project is my comic book series, Punk rock alien space-girl adventures, an ongoing sci-fi action adventure bawdy romantic comedy with true music stories, and made-up dreams, for mature audiences, contains adult situations. The premise is, if aliens had landed in the 50s, what would the Boston music scene have been like in the 80s? Mostly it's about Suzi, a young green-skinned, pink-haired, pointy-eared adorable alien gal, trying to make it as a musician and navigate a world where aliens from countless worlds along with robots, and humans, interact in Boston, flying cars, corrupt music industry people, dream demons, romantic robotic revolutionaries, and other things, become obstacles or opportunities. Will she find a girlfriend? or a boyfriend? Will her band get signed? The entire series is being posted online, so you can read it for free, with a money back guarantee for your free online reading experience, discounting your internet access expenses, device and ISP. You can also support the arts, more to the point, this artist, me, by buying a copy of my new trade paperback graphic novel, collecting the first five issues, 152 pages, full colour stories, Volume 2 collecting issues 6-10 will be self-published probably early next year.
Click here to learn more and purchase: Comix
I am playing bass with the Diamond Dogs Bowie tribute band. Update on that, as of 11-19 we are on hiatus until further notice, alas.
bass transcriptions for 2 string slide bass.
The Moors' website now has a long-requested Lyrics page. (Still in the works, but I have some of them up.)
Help support the arts! Or pay me for home repair services. You can now donate to me, that's right, to me. Click the button below to go to a secure paypal donation page where you can donate any sum you wish to keep me in bass strings and paint and ink. Thank you. You can also use this button to pay for anything you might have bought from me, repay loans, etc. Any donations may or may not be tax deductible, consult your accounant or tax advisor. Thank you!
VIDEOS! remember when they didn't suck? I made a page with some on it, have a look: click here.
Look for my art in Voltaire's trade paperback Deady the evil teddy volume 3, a humourous comic book about an evil entity disguised as a cute soft toy. Actually a rather creepy looking soft toy. (This book is recommended for immature readers over 18.) I did some digital shading on a few pages, see this page for more details. My work from that volume is also featured in the collected "Book of Deady".
BNI A formerly new page of recommended vendors of various services which I really have to edit heavily, all members of a networking group I'm an honorary member of, except the ones who have left, which is why I have to edit it very badly, and I will sometime soon, probably, check it out, page still in development. If you need a personal organiser, help with real estate, acupuncture, legal advice, we have you covered with some of the best in Boston!
oh, I learned a new trick, click the new button... (the ? mark.)
All content copyright © Mö 2016 All rights reserved.
No unauthorised duplication.
All web design (this site and all sub-sites) by James Möbius.
Web design services available.
Bikes Not Bombs is a non-profit organization working for alternative transportation and community development. The group operates the Bicycle Recycling and Youth Training Center in Roxbury, MA, to promote environmental education, meaningful employment, and safe sustainable communities, both here in Roxbury and abroad.
Democracy Now! a news source that actually tells you what is going on in the world. All the stuff they don't mention on the major news networks.
the Green Party Did you know there are actually more than 2 parties in the US? This one is interested in among other things, saving the planet, and fairness. If those seem like good ideas to you check it out.
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