Some people have been asking about the lyrics, if you buy the CD as a digital download you don't get a copy of them as you do if you buy a physical CD, however, you can now read the lyrics, on this new lyrics page. This is still a work in progress, so they aren't all up yet, it's taking me a while to read them from the tiny gold on black fancy font from my original pressing of the CD, so bear with me, but I'm chipping away at it. I have also posted scans of the original edition booklet from Castle Von Buhler records on this page, and I'm typing up the liner notes for the songs. Scroll down for scans.
Here then are the lyrics in order of appearance on the CD.
1. The Hunter/Cernunnos (Invocation of the Antelered God)
When in the wooded place I be
I sit beside him on the ground
he rules life and death
I know he will come
Oh, when the sun and moon
Notes: (coming soon)
Equus in solis et musicum
O Dea Noctu, Imperatrix
Per triplus numen, Ars Magica
O Regina, in tempesta
O Dea Noctu, Imperatrix
Postquam luscinia, gratus semen
Saga de bestia fiera
O, Dea Noctu.
Oh, Goddess by Night, Comandress
By the Threefold Nod, the Magical Art
Oh, Queen in the dead of night
Oh, Goddess by Night, Comandress
After the nightingal, welcome seed
Witch of wild beast
Oh, Goddess by Night.
This is an invocation of a moon goddess, a gathering of the spirits who infuse the moonlit night with their magic; a call to Hecate, Diana, Arianrhod...
3. An Fhideag Airgid (the Silver Whistle ~ trad Gaelic)
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
4. The Snake That Coils Within, Without
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
5. Belen-Gaard
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
6. Guth Na Torainn (the Voice of Thunder)
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
Brighid nighean Dùghaill Duinn
Brighid nam brat
Brighid nan gealachos
Brighid Ban-Dia
Brighid na gealach
Gach latha agus gach oidhche nì mi Sloinntearachd na Brighid:
Cha loisg grian mi
Cha Bhàth uisge mi
This is the Day of Brighid
The Feast Day of Brighid
Today is the Day of Brighid
*translation of non English passages:
Brigit, daughter of the Daghda, daughter
Brigit of the mantles
Brigit of the white feet
Brigit the Goddess
Brigit of the moon
No sun shall burn me
No river shall drown me
Notes: Bridget, the ancient Celtic Goddess of Poetry, Healing and Smithcraft was highly revered by our ancestors, and honoured at Imbolc (Feb. 1), a holiday marking the birth of the tribe’s sheep, essential for their milk, meat and wool. It was said that the ocean became warm on that day as Bridget, also associated with fire, put her hand into the water. At Imbolc, she was welcomed into the family home, and many wonderful customs were maintained when she was later venerated as St. Bridget, the daughter of a druid. She is much beloved in Ireland and Scotland, her powers as Goddess and saint interwoven still. “The Descent of Bridget” is a chant of protection, which we have adapted to include her many ancient attributes. The last three stanzas are mysterious verses often repeated on An Fhéill Brighid, The Festival or Feast of Bridget.
Copyright © 2011 the Moors.
Adaptation of Traditional Highland Incantation, additional poetry and Translations by Sharynne NicMhacha.
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
Lyrics for this song coming soon.
then in the sacred grove is he
the god of hunters, king of creatures all
his horned head I see
as those in Gaul of bird and hound
his name is written but once, my Cernunnos
and still I know the sound
and guards the Otherworld
from where all forces flow
and all events doth know
I've done the dances
stay beside me now
lord of the antlers, come...
they rise up on yonder hill
he will rise inside me and
so shall ever be, (shall) ever be.
2. Dea Noctu (the Goddess by Night)
In omne tempus agilis
adversus Venefica
Ex stella lumen et fascinum
de Ventus, Noctiluca, Natura
Nocte in violarium
nec impius, nec malus.
Ex stella lumen et fascinum
Scipio rigidus, liquor nocturnus
Saga vipera et fulmen.
Camen ventosus fascinare
Ad lunam in diem vivere
et tamen non, insomnium.
The Horse of the Sun and music
Forever nimble
Towards the Empress.
Made of Starlight and Amulets
of WInd, Moon and Nature Spirit.
On a bed of Violets
neither godless, nor wicked.
Made of Starlight and Amulets
rigid staff, nightly liquids.
Witch of viper and lightning.
Windy enchantment, to charm by magic
By moonlight, to live in the moment
and yet, no nightmares.
Numerous attempts over time to subdue and weaken Celtic culture began with the Roman military occupation of Celtic lands. Despite my ethical response to their efforts, the lyrics for this song came to me in Latin, at the end of a dream. I see it as an incantation intoned by a Celtic Priestess or Druidess, using the language of the intruders themselves to intensify the oppositional and protective magic. She wields the powers of the elements to preserve the religion and culture of her people, and to protect the wisdom and traditions of the Druids (who suffered persecution at the hands of the Romans, though it was political, rather than religious, in nature). May the power of the Moon, the NIght, and the Sacred Female Energies, together in harmony with the Sun, the Day, and the Sacred Male Principle, once again be honoured and celebrated!
7. Beannachadh Agus Sloinntearachd Na Brighid
(The Blessing and Descent of the Goddess Bridget)
‘ic Aoidh, ‘ic Airt ‘ic Cuinn ‘ic Criara
‘ic Cairbre ‘ic Cais ‘ic Carmaic
‘ic Cartaich ‘ic Cuinn.
Brighid na brìg
Brighid na cleachd
Brighid na frìth
Brighid na ceardach
Brighid nan gealabhos
Brighid bàrdachd.
Brighid na bìth
Brighid na sìthean
Brighid na brìgh
Brighid na slànaich
Brighid nagealbhan
Brighid Bean-Shìth
Each day and night that I say the Descent of Brigit:
I shall not be slain, I shall not be wounded,
I shall not be put in cell, I shall not be torn in sunder.
Cha loisg teine mi
Cha loisg ial mi
Cha loisg gile mi
Cha Bhàth sàla mi
Cha Bhàth lighe mi
Cha Bhàth burn mi
The Queen will come from the Mound
I will not touch the Queen
Nor will the Queen touch me.
The Daughter of Ivor shall come from the Knoll
I will not touch the Daughter of Ivor
Nor will she harm me.
The serpent shall come from the hole
I will not molest the serpent
Nor will the serpent molest me.
of Dugall the Brown, Son of Aodh, Son of
Art, Son of Conn, son of Criara son of
Carbre son of Cas, son of Cormac son of
Cartach son of Conn.
Brigit of the peat-heap
Brigit of the twining hair
Brigit of the augury.
Brigit of the smithcraft
Brigit of the white palms
Brigit of the poetry.
Brigit of the Spirit
Brigit of the fairy-mound
Brigit of Essence.
Brigit of the healing
Brigit of the common fire
Brigit of the Fairy Woman.
No fire shall burn me
No beam shall burn me
No mon shal burn me.
No brine shall drown me
No flood shall drown me
No water shall drown me.
8. Dve Nevesti (trad. Bulgarian)
9. Moon Mediation and Prayer
(Rioghainn h~Oidhche: Queen of the Night)
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